How God Makes Us Mighty

God’s character is multifaceted, and his attributes are not an either-or scenario. He’s every bit of who he is at all times. God is full of mercy and justice, fully loving toward his people and wrathful toward their enemies, simultaneously sovereign and meek. But sometimes Scripture gives us a glimpse into certain aspects of his character above the rest.

The story of Gideon, in the book of Judges, is about God, and how he operates in the lives of his children. God’s interactions with Gideon are gentle, loving, forbearing, and intimately personal….

God didn’t call Gideon a mighty man of valor because he saw that character trait in him from the beginning. Gideon was called a mighty man of valor because of who God is. God had plans to make Gideon a mighty man of valor because God is the mighty man of valor.

Read the rest at Desiring God >>

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